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论文阅读:Object Detection Using Scene-Level Context and Instance-Level Relationships



cls  Softmax  O  Concatenate  Figure 3. SIN: The mewo Our Method. ly we get a fixed number of ROIs from an input image. Each ROI is pooled into a  fixed-size feature map and then to a feature vector b a full connec  same way. then we concatenate the descri ors of every two ROIS int edge .  inference method is triggered, and fln s a o eac  the corresponding ROI. The who  the base detection framework-).  k is trained nd-t  with the ori inal  e. e extract the whole ima feature as scene  eratively update the node state. an e a rate y  to predict the category and refine the location Of  study exploits Faster R-CNN as


首先对输入图像利用faster-rcnn进行物体检测,得到一些ROIs,对ROI进行ROI pooling得到固定size的feature map,再经过全连接层映射成一些节点(nodes,即feature vector),并两两组合得到edges,即得到object relationship context。对整个图像提取特征得到scene context。将两种context送入到GRU(选择GRU的原因是其具有记忆功能,能融合来自多方面的context,并传递到下一次更新中,即有消息传递功能),这个GRU的原理如下:

ht (C:\Users\nian\OneDrive\NoteBook_posts\assets\clip_image002.png)  1 (nodes')  Figure 4. An illustration of GRU.  update gate z selects  whether the hi dden s tate ht is to updated with a new hi  den state 11. The reset gate r decides whether the previous hidden  ignored.



对于每一个物体的定位,它利用了来自scene GRU的信息和Edge GRU的信息,如下:

Figure 5. Structure Inference. For Object Vi, the input Of scene  GRU is scene context message m: , and the initial hidden state  is the feature For message from node to  node is controlled by edge e, These messages from all other  objects are integrated as m: to input the edge GRU. The initial  hidden State Of edge GRU is also fie. Then these two sets Of GRU  output ensemble together as eventual updated node state.


5, the integrated message to node is calculated by  Tn3 *  je-v  where  Wp and We, are learnable weight matrixes. Using m  pooliqg cau most important message while us-


(Xi — (Yi , log(C:\Users\nian\OneDrive\NoteBook_posts\assets\clip_image005.png  ) , tog(

最后得到隐藏层t+1的特征表示(通过mean pooling 得到):

For node v', it receives messages both from the other  nodes and scene context. Eventually we get the compre-  hensive representation , which denotes the node state.  In our current study, we empirical find that (C:\Users\nian\OneDrive\NoteBook_posts\assets\clip_image006.png)  pooling and concatenation, so  (8)  where is the output of scene GRU, and h; +1 denotes  the output of edge GRU.


  • 量化结果是一个总体结果,肯定是好的,这个需要跑代码看,数据是否对。

  • qualitative results

Scene module结果中比较值得一说的是failure case:将海里的airoplain识别成了boat,说明对这种罕见的场景来说scene context是不好的

(C:\Users\nian\OneDrive\NoteBook_posts\assets\clip_image007.png) ru'hins dct"ted an with a  (d) are detected (e) chair ted  (n only a  Figure 8. Qualitative results Baseline vs. Scene on VOC. In  pair Of detection results (top vs. the top is based on  baseline, and the is detection result of Scene,

  • Edge module的结果:定位错误的结果减少;能够减少重复检测的结果:

(C:\Users\nian\OneDrive\NoteBook_posts\assets\clip_image008.png) aeroplane  (b) Edge  (d) Edge  Figure 9. Analysis of 'Iöp-Ranked False Positives. Pie charts:  fraction of detections that are correct (Cot) or false positive due  to confusion With similar Objects (Simi,  confusion with other VOC objects ((hh). or confusion with back-  ground or unlatkled objects (BG)_ Len: results of the baseline  Faster R -CNN, Right; results Of Edge, Loc errors are fewer than  baseline on aemplane and bus.

(C:\Users\nian\OneDrive\NoteBook_posts\assets\clip_image009.png) are  (b) of Edge  (d r&lts of Edge  Figure results Edge on VOC. In  every pair of detection results. the left is based on bmseline. and  the right is detection result Of Edge.

  • 结合两种context的结果:

Table 6. performance on VOC 2007 test Using Different  semble Ways and lime Ste'". All methcxis are trained VOC  Emsemble Wa  concatenation  max- lin  mean-pooling  mean-poo li ng  mean- li  Time S  70.2  70.4  69.8  fective fusion Of the two separated updated hidden State h s  and he Of mules Obtained by the modules Of  Scene and Edge.


