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Neural Motifs Scene Graph Pasing With Global Context!

Stacked Motif Networks


VG数据库中主要由这3种关系组成: geometric(几何): 50.9%, possessive(所有格): 40.9% semantic(语义): 8.7%,剩下部分为其他.  然后本文首先从数据库中发现衣服、身体部件大多是所有格关系;家具、建筑大多是几何关系;人大多是语义关系的主语,这些都说明我们在生成SG时有很多先验可以利用

  • 从这里来看的话,他这个关系分许还是相对粗糙一些,那我那边可以分析得更细致一些,也可以像他这样做一个统计,再得出一些统计结论。


motif我翻译成了模板,即关系对(主语类别,关系,宾语类别)中至少2个一样,不区分instance。结果发现,有50%的图片中有长度是2的motif,也就是说某一motif在这些图片中出现一次的情况下,大概率还会出现第二次,就像上图中的elephant has一样,一下出现了4次。这启发我们在预测关系的时候要考虑全局上下文信息,即要考虑全局中出现的motif,它们之间也是有联系的

  • 我觉得它这种Motifs不是很好,他这个Motifs是指图像中出现的重复的一些子结构,其实这种结构如果从生成场景图来看,也就是生成的时候直接生成所有的关系,或许有些用,如果单从一个独立的关系来看,是不具有很大作用的,而且相对于ECCV2018的文章[1]来看,他这个Motifs作为全局信息设计的并不是很好,不过,这也算是利用了全局的context。从他这些数据分析来看,我更加坚定了我之前的一些想法:把关系分成多类,每一类都应该有他们共享的特征,应该单独为每一类设计特征提取器!


the key challenge in modeling scene graphs lies in devising an efficient mechanism to encode the global context that can directly inform the local predictors(i.e., objects and relations)

strong independence assumptions in local predictors limit the quality of global predictions.Instead, our model predicts graph elements by staging bounding box predictions, object classifications, and relationships such that the global context encoding of all previous stages establishes rich context for predicting subsequent stages

1) 经过Faster-RCNN检测的结果,由一个bi-LSTM提取物体的context: 2) 再用一个LSTM提取label的context:use an LSTM to decode a category label for each contextualized representation in C 经过decoding预测物体label: 3) 最后一个Bi-LSTM用于提取predicate的context:


这里面C,$\hat{o}$,D分别对用了bounding box,label,predicate三个阶段的global context


  • Faster-RCNN进行物体检测,在VG上(150 objects,50 predicates)上物体检测的mAP为20,而我的只达到了14,同样在使用VGG的情况下。可以参考下他们的设置:

    We optimize the detector using SGD with momentum on 3 Titan Xs, with a batch size of b = 18, and a learning rate of lr = 1.8 · 10−2 that is divided by 10 after validation mAP plateaus. For each batch we sample 256 RoIs per image, of which 75% are background. The detector gets 20.0 mAP (at 50% IoU) on Visual Genome

  • 解决梯度消失问题:为所有LSTM采用highway connections;

  • 损失函数依旧采用的cross entropy loss,而且In cases with multiple edge labels per directed edge (5% of edges), we sample the predicates. 不太懂这里的到底用意是什么,只提了这么一句;

    实际上并不是多标签分类:We follow previous work in enforcing that for a given head and tail bounding box, the system must not output multiple edge labels

  • 用NMS阈值设为0.3来fine-tune训练好的模型,以解决在测试时由于检测结果不精准带来的不好测试结果;

  • low-quality RoI pairs 会导致训练不稳定,因此在pair的选取上做了一些阈值的限定;

  • 测试中效果不好的例子有:

    • 谓词标签模糊的(“wearing”,”wears”)
    • 检测错误的(一个物体检测错误,会导致所有与之相关的关系都预测错误)


  1. 统计模型:用于说明物体检测的重要性。
    • FREQ模型:使用预训练的detector用来预测object label;用统计概率得到predicate probabilities.
    • FREQ+OVERLAP:在统计谓词频率的时候,要求两个物体有overlap。
  2. Stanford模型:在[47]上面修改的,消息传递结构用的是本文的motif。
  3. Ablations:
    • MotifNet-NoContext:直接用object的label embedding($d_i,d_j$)输入公式6,就是不要$f_{i,j}$.然后利用公式7预测关系。说明vision feature的重要。
    • MotifNet-different roi ordering scheme:完整的网络



  1. context

    • Our approach is most closely related to work that models object co-occurrence using graphical models to combine many sources of contextual information [33, 11, 26, 10]

    • Actions and relations have been a particularly fruitful source of context [30, 50]

    • human-object interactions [48, 3]

    • object layouts can provide sufficient context for captioning COCO images [52, 28]

  2. structured model

    • Deep sequential models have demonstrated strong performance for tasks such as captioning [4, 9, 45, 18] and visual question answering [1, 37, 53, 12, 8],multilabel classification [46]
    • graph linearization for object detections [52], language parsing [44], generating text from abstract meaning graphs [21]
    • our:RNNs provide effective context for consecutive detection predictions.
  3. Scene Graph Methods

    • explore the role of priors ,we allow our model to directly learn to use scene graph priors effectively
    • 一些图模型的问题: recent graph-propagation methods were applied but converge quickly and bottle neck through edges, significantly limiting information exchange [47, 25, 6, 23].
    • VTransE等新卷积特征、新目标方程网络。


[1] Yang J, Lu J, Lee S, et al. Graph R-CNN for Scene Graph Generation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00191, 2018.



Omitting graph constraints, namely, allowing a headtail pair to have multiple edge labels in system output. We hypothesize that omitting graph constraints should always lead to higher numbers(performance), since the model is then allowed multiple guesses for challenging objects and relations

As expected, removing graph constraints significantly increases reported performance and both predicate detection and phrase detection are significantly less challenging than predicate classification and scene graph detection, respectively.

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